>>21518190Actually, it's the pokemon with abilities affected by weather that are strong, not the weather. Then ban on Drought/Drizzle in UU is a good example of an excellent Complex Ban - it reduces the strength of many, many pokemon by means of a proxy, instead of banning those many, many pokemon.
When looking to ban something, you should always ban the ENABLER part of the combo.
Outright banning Blaziken, however, is banning the WHOLE combo, which is bad banning. This would be like banning Mawile instead of just Mawilenite - you should always aim for the ban the has the least impact on the game.
As in this example:
>>21518221 >>21518225>But there isn't a reason to do that. if a move is not broken it doesn't get banned. That is all there is to it.If you can bring back a pokemon for viable use by banning 1 move on a poke instead of the whole poke, THAT is the point. You may not give two shits that xxx pokemon is banned, by PlayerB over there actually like that pokemon - why deny fun for some people when everyone can have fun with just a few changes?