>>39040114>Entirely right!! However, as a result of this policy change, the ability for it to be considered a "fresh experience" is limited>all that Kanto fearmongeringAs others said, the Kanto representation will surely be overdone, but that doesn't mean it'll be overbearing. There will likely be somewhere between 400 and 500 pokemon considering how much USUM had. The Kantomon may take up a dumb amount of that but they've already shown a good balance of other gens on top of that.
Besides the "KANTOOOO" hate, you have no real argument for this point.
>it'll be less of a fresh experience cause you can't transfer old mon in>Despite how in many games transfering old mon was a postgame feature>And everything else that's new and interesting to people doesn't matter cause they can't use this feature that not everyone usedThe games still excite me with everything new about the region, the new mons, the NPCs etc. It's exactly what I expected of it, a new Pokemon game that looks better than the previous ones. Just because I can't transfer pokemon doesn't change the base game at all to me.