>What is this?The end goal is simple: make every pokemon look like Zygarde. Not by just simple palette swaps, but applying/modifying features as well. You can request certain pokemon to be zygardified before others, or take requests/announce you're making one (when you take a request/announce you have 24 hours to complete it or else others can do it). If you think you can improve on a pokemon already in the pastebin, feel free to do so.
Other Zygarde-related discussions also welcome.
>For what purpose?Because Zygarde makes everything look better.
>PASTEBIN CONTAINING ALL POKEMON ZYGARDIFIED SO FAR AND LINKS TO IMAGES:http://pastebin.com/8eDrMUGSBasic instructions also included in pastebin.
>Current unfulfilled requests:Blastoise, Deoxys (any form), Heliolisk, Heracross, Steelix, Tyranitar, Ampharos (+ Mega), Reshiram, Zekrom, Serperior, Seviper, Arbok, Giratina, Accelgor, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Cacnea, Xerneas, Yveltal, Regigigas, Gourgeist, Archeops.