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Chesnaught-[bulletproof] Set up with LS and Spikes, trolls the hell out of physical attackers.
Excadrill- [Mold Breaker] rapid spinner and Anti-Fairy, no one suspects the Assault Vest
Azumarril [Huge Power (duh)] Belly Jet for daaaaays
Typhlosion [give me flash fire already goddamnit!] Eruption wrecks anything that doesn't resist, FB for backup, Focus blast and HP Rock round her out
Raichu [Lightningrod] Switch bait, many rage quits caused by this little fucker. TB, HP Ice, Grass Knot, Nasty Plot. Focus Sash just in case.
Raticate [Guts] the jewl in my Karenfag crown. People underestimate him though. He's got the durability of napkins and old string but he hits like a truck.