>>40195511That doesn't make the practice good. There are still people in the Halo community bitching about not being able to dual wield or play as Elites, and those are certainly less integral to the Halo series gameplay than features that Bungie/343 consistently brought back, like vehicle hijacking. Likewise, long time Fallout fans ripped Fallout 4 for not including a skill system, something that really was a core component of every Fallout game prior. And 76 was ripped even harder because it didn't rectify this error
76 got torn apart for so much shit that this little nugget flew under the radar for most people but it's still valid. Pokemon has historically done even worse than that. Pokemon games don't just slash aesthetics or mechanics. They straight up remove ingame functionality and QoL changes.
The PSS in gen 6 was the ultimate in mutiplayer UI, and it got replaced with the shittnigger Festival Plaza because haha I don't really know. Imagine if a Halo game came out and said 343 "You can longer join multiplayer matches from the main menu. Instead, you have to enter the campaign, then go to a central hub, then go through a loading screen, and then you will be on a new map where you can talk to NPCs that will escort you to multiplayer mode. Also there's only eight guns in the whole game now because small indie dev puhreeze undastandoo."