>>38198674it is, but i don't think i drew that one actually (unless i was super drunk and forgot?') i've actually seen you mention this before, and it's good! far better than i can do haha!
>>38198691aw that's sweet man, i appreciate it. you can always hit me up there for vip requests any time mate.
>>38198698hahaha i mean sometimes it is i guess. i did the 'help john gamefreak complete this pokemon', that was fun, everyone made so much surprisingly cool stuff.
>>38198716found some awesome neural net attempts at generating pokemon, people were drawing what they saw in the generated shapes. oh actually i found an better one not long ago, here, this one has even learned to give them outlines!
>>38199074i've done animon before so i'll go for the noodles waifu
>>38199201haha you guys are cute. i love you too anon. <3
blimey this one has really stumped me, ursaring is such a beast already, i was struggling to think how to do something different. also fuck my ass i discovered i cant draw bears faces for shit lmao. i've been redrawing this one forever. i'll get it eventually, hang in there teddiursa requester.