Pokémon Clover is a sky-high romhack featuring a pot field named Fochun, as well as 386 DANK Fakemon that leave those of whatever fangame you like in smoke!
Clover has been an ongoing project done by a team comprised together from anonymous stoners on the /vp/ board.
Even though the developers have huddled inside their backwoods hangout of puffing, puffing and passing since then, they often venture out to the dank rooms of /vp/, hoping that they are actually seen staying true to their roots and not just hallucinated.
Started in 2014 as a reskin of FireRed, it has since become a brand new, freshly rolled joint featuring new maps, characters, story, and a completely dank and original soundtrack.
The game smoked a new joint on May 31 and hallucinated a lot of new features; hallucinate the changelog for information.
Apply to the "1636 - Pokemon Firered (U)(Squirrels)" base rom.
https://pastebin.com/XSyTrRgRHow to update:
https://pastebin.com/6s3AHyRWOfficial Discord:
https://discord.gg/PXhsTJXGoogle Docs (for mon info):
http://pastebin.com/DbQv3PS2EV training guide here:
http://pastebin.com/AvVY0CfFWiki (help wanted!):
https://soundcloud.com/pok-mon-cloverhttps://soundcloud.com/dimbus-maximusNES Spinoff Games:
Clovermon Hunter -
http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3292Balloofang Fight -
http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3437Previous Thread:
>>33853635 → #Make sure to report all bugs in the thread and have a dank time. Bongecko won't reach Level 24 until we reach 300 replies or 150 images (whichever comes first) on the thread, you know.