>>28140429>>Bug resists FightingYou do not squash a bug with fury, anon-san. You must be wise and patient and use a precise movement. Fire works too.
>>Ghost is weak to DarkGhosts feed on surprise and fear. You can't surprise and scare pure evil. Pure evil feeds on your weakness to fail to understand this.
>>Ghost is weak to GhostGhosts feed on what they are.
>>Steel resists IceIron was made by men to resist all that exists, anon-san.
>>Fairy is weak to SteelIron was also made by men to capture elf magic.
>>Water is weak to GrassGrass eats Water, anon-san.
>>Fire is weak to GroundHow to put out a Fire with no Water? Throw Sand at it.
>>Water resists IceThrow a cube of Ice into Water, and watch it melt.