>>56713745Swapped some items around for the last battle including giving Leftovers to Honura and a bunch of gems to the other mons.
>VS Iris>Kerak Leads against Hydreigon and tears it out of the sky with an Outrage>Druddigon comes out and meets the same fate. Kerak gets confused from fatigue and eats it's Persim Berry>Lapras comes out. Kerak hits it with an Earthquake which it barely survives>Lapras MISSES a Hydro Pump. Kerak takes it out with a second Earthquake>Haxorus comes out. Kerak uses Outrage again which Haxorus survives thanks to it's Focus Sash while Dragon Dancing>Iris tries to heal but second Outrage takes Haxorus out>Aggron comes out. Kerak is still stuck in an Outrage which tickles Aggron>Aggron hits back with a Double Edge that takes Kerak down to half hp>Kerak is now confused and wounded so i swap in Marrow while Aggron uses Autotomize>Aggron outspeeds but an Earthquake isn't enough to take Marrow out so Aggron falls to a Close Combat>Archeops comes out. I swap in Becket who tanks 2 Stone Edges before taking the prehistoric bird out with a Meteor MashI was honestly ready to lose Kerak but RNG was on our side. Renofax got to watch the whole league from the sidelines. X is up next. Going to miss gen 5. There's something comfy about the pokémon battle animations.
>>56706591>Man, Lucario really is broken in BW2 huh? Slap EQ on him and you're doneYeah. He was the absolute MVP of this run. this would have been a completely different playthrough if i had ended up with something like a Psyduck or a Mareep from the Floccesy Ranch. Sadly EQ is a postgame TM so i had to make do with other moves.
>>56708503Congratz anon. That's the first time i've seen someone champion an Unown.