>>47770170Let me tell you why generation 7 is bullshit.
It took Gen 6's problems with it while adding some of its own.
1. Soulless 3D models that made every single Pokemon look washed out and like a parade balloon. (from 6)
2. Asinine conversations exacerbated by
3. The huge amounts of cutscenes
>>477701764. Soulless 3D models for human characters, especially MCs. They always have this thousand yard stare, even in the face of danger.
5. I usually never blame the Pokemon design, because it's unfair to them, but starting from 5-6 they start to not look like Pokemon, rather abducted from other franchises and be labeled Pokemon.
6. Rushed for 20th anniversary, robbing Gen 6 of its Z version.
7. Cemented the trend for generational gimmick by adding zero mega evolutions and sidelined it for Z-Moves.
The bad part is the generational gimmick, not Z-moves or mega evolutions, and this is proven true, since gen 8 introduced yet another battle gimmick, the dyna/gigamax.
I'm gonna mute troll replies. View-changing arguments are welcomed, though. Go on. Tell me why gen 7 is worth it.