>>15297212"No, I refuse. I won't become your silly queen. Your plans are idiotic and unnecessarily implement the use of a number of tricks, tricks that have gotten people killed in the past, lives aren't something you can toy around with!"
Jacques cackles, to which his crowd mimics once again to the fullest extent, giggling like high-pitched kiddies hyped on the purest of sugar, "And JUST who is going to save you should you refuse!? I am the king, I can have you off'd right now if I had a mind to, there is no one to rescue you, they're all dead! I got them all! No one can play the hero now, and even if there was, who would it be? Some idiot crashing in from that wall?"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ2lLp1VfyY"DID SOMEBODY CALL FOR SOME GHOST BUSTERS?"An idiot comes crashing through the wall.
The shadow lurking from behind the Trevenant earlier reveals himself in full as an uprising Phantump. A Phantump under a different alignment from the others, "Aha, my plan worked after all!"
Jacques gasps, his jaw almost falling off his head, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?!??!?! How on earth...IMPOSSIBLE! ! ! ! ! DESTROY HIM AT ONCE! MAKE IT BUUUUUURRRRRN!"
The Trevenants, blood blobs, and other Phantumps ready for a gigantic brawl to commence. However, countless Shadow Ball spamming already puts the fight against their favor.
Miss Leading focuses on the rebel Phantump for a moment, noting the few key features about him that separate him from other members of his species.
Guess what?
*You* are that Phantump.