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Slowking can switch into strong special attackers such as Tapu Lele and Latios that easily overwhelm Landorus-T. It also generally covers Landorus-T's Water and Ice weaknesses. Similarly, Slowbro can also cover these weaknesses while also alleviating some of the pressure from Landorus-T in checking physical attackers like Garchomp and Excadrill. Bulky Steel-types like Corviknight and Ferrothorn are good partners, as they can take on the aforementioned Psychic-types. Bulk Up Corviknight can also alleviate pressure against physical attackers like Garchomp, Kartana, and Rillaboom, while Ferrothorn is a good Water-resistant teammate that can form a hazard-stacking duo with Landorus-T. Furthermore, Landorus-T can cripple Bulk Up Corviknight's checks such as Zapdos and Slowbro with Knock Off or Toxic. Offensive Pokemon such as Dragapult and Choice Specs Kyurem appreciate being brought in safely by Landorus-T's U-turn, especially against switch-ins like Slowbro and Tangrowth. They also appreciate its Stealth Rock support and ability to cripple their defensive answers with Knock Off or Toxic. Weavile is another good teammate that appreciates being brought in safely by U-turn against Landorus-T's switch-ins, such as Tornadus-T and Zapdos, to get a chance to set up or freely throw out an attack.