>>28715266Implying the unknown Pokémon launch game won't just be a port of Sun and moon. This is why they haven't told us about the NX yet. Nintendo has basically Pokémon and the mini-NES going into Christmas. They come out and say, "Oh, by the way, we're putting out this hybrid system. Total game changer, will inherit all the Console and Handheld franchises. To showcase that, we have a all-new, all-different Mario, Zelda, Metroid/Donkey Kong (Retro has been dead silent since Tropical Freeze), and most importantly, the first high res, more open world, story-driven Pokémon games, Sun and Moon. Very proud of their lighting, huh? Lots of cutscenes, hm? Texture mapping is a little low-res on the close ups, isn't it? Screencap this.