>>45360327>DarkraiEdgy anthro
>GardevoirKawaii anthro
>ScizorOne of the most humanoid bugs in the series, only outclassed by Buzzwole and Pheromosa
>CroagunkOne of the few exceptions I can tolerate on here
>SceptileAnthro starter.
>DecidueyeLiteral fursuit.
>GengarAn exception, but overused as fuck
>MachampLiterally an human
>ChandelureAn exception and the only non-anthro in the original roster.
>CharizardPic related
>GarchompDid you search "fursuit Garchomp" on Google?
Don't lie yourself. Most them have the same anatomy and you can see fursuits of them and/or fanarts of them eating cakes with "I love her" as caption.