Dead Bones Edition
>What are you running? >How are you running it? >How's your run going? >Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it? Question of the thread: Since the threads are struggling to stay alive in the leadup to SV, should we maybe take a brief vacation until the board as a whole slows back down?
Challenge Run Idea: Unga Bunga-locke. The only items you can use are pokeballs, berries, and other "natural" items. When you attack something, you are now locked into battling it until it's dead, no weakening things for capture, either you catch it or you kill it
/nuz/ resources
Mostly outdated. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.
Nuzlocke info>Nuzlocke generator>Guide to running the generator locally>Links to official games (thru Sw/Sh)>Romhack links>Definitive emulator info (note that OpenEmu is the best option for Macfags period as RBY through B2W2 may all be played on it and all run smoothly)>Difficulty list>Pokémon Nuzlocke images>Pokémon Bank sprites>Pokémon Home Sprites>Additional templates>(UPDATED)Anon's Level Caps Doc Thread: