What is the time line now? When does sm happen within the pokemon timeline, do we know? I think this is the biggest issue.
If oras is before sm then it's pretty logical to think maybe she did cone from this universe AFTER the battle frontier was made. BUT I feel like looker would've told us "and that she ran a tower in hoenn, which turned out to be the battle tower" that extra sentence seems important enough to add if it was true.
I like to stick with the theory she came from the rse world. There's been now I think 5 different references to alternate universes throughout pokemon series unless I'm missing some; giratina's distortion world/palkia and dialga in general, hoopa, zinnia, the ultra verse, AND the other sun/moon wold you go to to get cosmog. There are definitely parallel world's in pokemon. I just hope this stuff and necrozma are explained more in what's to come. I love to theorize nut I also want to know if I'm right about any of it.
>>32173746Yeah, Lucy and scott are mentioned by someone in the battle maison and the music played for the chatelaines is a remix of the brains song. They are very real.