Quoted By:
>UK Community Day start
>First 40-50 minutes, very dry spell, few Mudkip spawns, long time until my first shiny
>Second hour, suddenly get a large influx of shinies and noticeably higher spawn rate
>Third hour, shiny rate calms down, spawn rate also down but far from dry
Of course it's entirely anecdotal and subjective based on how randomness works, but it was a general sentiment shared among passers by, early on there was very little.
It feels like Niantic at some point noticed an issue and adjusted the rates dynamically, maybe adjusting it too high to compensate.
Other reports of Mudkip not spawning from incenses has me wondering if they reimplemented community day spawns to no longer be weather system dependant, after the Slakoth day incident last month, but got the spawn rates wrong resulting in a lacklustre event in earlier timezones like New Zealand.
It ended up being a pretty good event for me though. I ended with 16 shinies despite the initial dry spell, and funnily enough the top three shinies were all 84% with 15 attack IV. An agreeable coincidence, but I've still evolved spares for inevitable mutual lucky trades with the hope of exceptional lucky shinies.