>>46982693>>What does the progression of the relationship toward their Trainer feel like to a Ralts evolving into a Kirlia and a Kirlia into a Gardevoir or Gallade?I don't think there is a really big change. And that's because the Ralts line is not a friendship evolutionary line, its based around "Battle Experience", so a Ralts could become a Gardevoir or Gallade in less than a week, and the relationship could be no different than it started. What the relationship began as would affect this too. If this process took years to reach, I could see there could be substantial changes or developments in the bond between the two, but that goes beyond the scope of the question.
>>If a Gardevoir/Gallade allows you to touch its horn, what exactly implies?It wants you feel its heart! We can do this in Pokemon amie, and it doesn't seem to mean anything too great there. It may have some more emotional or intimate meaning for this species, but AFAIK we don't know if that's the case, so idk.
>>How open are you willing to be towards a Ralts line Pokemon, when it comes to, it reading your mind?Depends on our relationship. If I don't know them, I'd prefer them not poking around in my head, I don't mind if they use telepathy to communicate with me and read my surface level thoughts to respond to their surface level thoughts/communicate, but that's where it ends. If we're friends, I'd probably stick to the same as above, but maybe allow them to go a bit deeper on a case by case bases. If we're in a romantic partnership (say we're married) I would be more open for them reading my mind if they wanted to learn something (With respect to me), but by this point in time they probably wouldn't need to, because communication and trust would be our foundation.
No matter the relationship there are some things they can't know about, for example if my job required a large amount of confidentiality or secrecy I would have to make it so they cannot read into that without my knowledge.