>PokehusbandoChuck but honestly I don't really think of husbando stuff often, really any potentially nice bara character would do for me.
>Favourite pokemon gameGold or Platinum probably.
>Favourite game in generalFinal Fantasy VII
>First shinyHoothoot!
>Favourite songThat's incredibly hard to say, I like many songs and often times I like one, then play it all the time until I hate it, then move on to the next one. I mostly listen to the radio for music really, it helps me diversify what I'm listening to.
I mostly like to listen to classical and oldies, but lots of video game music and vapourwave is mixed in too.
>Bonus: I could be better, I've been trying not to let things get to me while i escape an abusive household where my stepparent has been abusing me for 8 years.
I'm pulling through though, I keep my eyes on my goals and am intending to escape by the end of June. This is rather unorthodox but I'm planning on moving into an RV so I can actually own what I live in and so I can finally be happy. I know it might be hard but I know I'll regret it even more if I never tried at all. I need a way to live while being able to move around so what better way right? I think about it every day and that just makes me stronger.
I've been researching this for 2 years and I know I can do it.
In the meantime I'm saving up lots of money, looking into how to make money on the road, I've learned a lot about renewable power, and I'm currently seeking treatment and assistance with my Autism and ADHD which has been left untreated my entire life.
I got my own insurance through my state and I just need to keep pushing and play the waiting game while working with my psychologist.