The autotuner that was for some reason hidden in the Crock Pot alters Anna's voice and lowers it a few thousand pitches, while also putting the ultimate emphasis on all of her sentences.
She busts through a crate full of more pots and pans, revealing herself in full light to Cocoa and her goons, all of which currently have Flamethrower locked onto their Remoraids.
"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, LET'S FRIGGIN' DO 'DIS, LASSMAN!" yells Anna's Pikachu, who's casually lounging out on Robo-Anna's shoulders.
"Oh gosh, oh gosh, this is so exciting! I've never done something this bad before!"
Unfortunately, while the autotuner makes Anna's voice edgy and deep as fuck, it doesn't change her actual speech, so imagining these kinds of words coming from /that/ kind of voice is less than threatening.
You have Anna's backside covered with your Remoraid, not to mention any of your Pokemon's various projectile moves that you can bring out at will at literally any time to wreck shit if needed.
While all of Bunearys guards scramble and lose their shit, Cocoa continues to act as if nothing's wrong, "My my, another example of that impulsive thinking again, even after I intentionally restocked this entire Armory. And it seems as if you found your girlfriend again too, imagine if only I had gotten to you quicker. Alas, I do think it's time for us to get down to 'business'."
With the swiftness of a rabbit, Cocoa uses Fake Out to flinch Anna in place, "You see, I may not be a Pokemon myself, but god if this costume doesn't make me feel like playing the part /ALL/ the way!"
"O-Oh gosh, my cheeks feel numb!"
Unable to move, Anna struggles while Cocoa prepares a Switcheroo.
>Counter with what?