Quoted By:
>oct 22nd
>stand in line in the cold for 5 hours for a single UPC
>also acquire an ETB and a few of the promo boxes
>open all
>nothing spectacular, but managed to pull all 3 starters and a magikarp so i was pretty pleased
>fast forward to 2 weeks ago
>tell brother in law about Celebrations, and how some of the cards that are in it are the same as the ones we used to have when we were kids
>he goes crazy, immediately buys 4 etbs at retail and 6 UPCs on the aftermarket for an average of $400CAD per
>opens all
>pulls 2 gold mews, an umbreon, multiples of the starters except charizard, like 11 birthday pikachus, fucking 4 magikarps along with at least one if not multiples of literally every other card in the set
I mean sure he spent a lot but fuck i'm fuckin salty as fuck
Yes, I mad