>>45875282Reborn is polarizing but let me bring it up as an example to compare the two, since your gym is somewhat similar to it:
- Both are grass gyms.
- Both are the second gym.
- Both are low-mid 20s.
You'll notice Florinia is very scarce on her items, and the items she does have are not very good. This is because at this point, the player isn't expected to have many items himself. Bringing items like Choice Scarf (albeit choice scarf plus hazards is a strange combination) or Eviolite (which makes an already hard to break Pokemon even harder) into the gym team is a recipe for being called unfair, because the player likely doesn't have any reasonable options for their own item slots.
Florinia also has very mediocre moves. The battle is still difficult because the player likely doesn't have any powerful moves on their end, either. If only one side is whipping out powerful moves like Moonblast or using strong coverage like Ice Beam, defensive counterplay is practically made nonexistent because the gym leader will always win in trades.
Florinia's team also has a specific strategy: Slowly whittling away the opponent's HP with entry hazards, leech seeds, poison, and sand. Your gym's team is more like a balanced Smogon team. Each member has a role but synergistically they don't really blend together as a whole.
I think your gym needs a lot of work but I also don't know what the player has access to at this point in your game, so my points could be moot. I am glad to see someone making something that looks challenging for once.