These are all the TMS available in RBY, while some have retained their TM status or have become tutor moves, the ones in greentext with the ****** are only available on gen1:
01mega punch: TUTOR IN FR/LG route 4
>02******razor wind03 swords dance: TM75 IN GEN VI
>04******whirlwind05 mega kick: TUTOR IN FR/LG route 4
06 toxic: TM06 IN GEN VI
>07******horn drill08 body slam: TUTOR IN FR/LG four island
>09******take down10double-edge: TUTOR IN FR/LG victory road - TUTOR IN EMERALD sootopolis city
>11******bubblebeam>12******water gun13ice beam: TM13 IN GEN VI
14blizzard: TM14 IN GEN VI
15hyper beam: TM15 IN GEN VI
>16******pay day>17******submission18counter: TUTOR IN FR/LG celadon dept store
19seismic toss: TUTOR IN FR/LG pewtwer city
>20******rage>21******mega drain22solarbeam: TM22 IN GEN VI
>23******dragon rage24thunderbolt: TM24 IN GEN VI
25thunder: TM25 IN GEN VI
26earthquake: TM26 IN GEN VI
>27******fissure28dig: TM28 IN GEN VI
29psychic: TM29 IN GEN VI
>30******teleport31mimic: TUTOR IN FR/LG saffron city
32double team: TM32 IN GEN VI
33reflect: TM33 IN GEN VI
>34******bide35metronome: TUTOR IN FR/LG pokemon lab
36selfdestruct: TUTOR IN XD agate village
>37******egg bomb38fire blast: TM38 IN GEN VI
39swift: TUTOR IN EMERALD battle frontier - TUTOR IN PLATINUM snowpoint city - TUTOR IN HG/SS battle frontier
>40******skull bash41softboiled: TUTOR IN FR/LG celadon city
42dream eater: TM85 IN GEN VI
43sky attack: TUTOR IN XD agate village - TUTOR IN HG/SS battle frontier - TUTOR IN B2/W2 humilau city - TUTOR IN OR/AS battle resort
44rest: TM44 IN GEN VI
45thunder wave: TM73 IN GEN VI
>46******psywave47explosion: TUTOR IN FR/LG mt ember
48rock slide: TUTOR IN FR/LG rock tunnel
>49******tri attack50substitute: TM90 IN GEN VI
Now since Sun/Moon will allow transfer from gen 1 mons, this is a list of the Pokemon that will regain said moves: