Yes, everyone knew. JFC people knew before they even announced the Dex cut because they announced pic related.>Then, at the end of the interview, she told me that she wished I would created something like Pokemon Bank>She wanted her Pokemon that she trained to be securely stored, and passed down to her kids and grandkids>"Kids and grandkids?">She wanted something like Pokemon Bank because she wanted her kids and grandkids to remember that she fought battles using Charizard>At that time, I couldn't tell her about it-- but now it's official. We are making Pokemon Bank.Pokemon Bank was always meant to be the single, unified service for transporting Pokemon. They all but implemented GO compatibility for the Gen 7 games before canning it entirely and using it as a selling point for LGPE. The cut was no more than a means to an end in stopping people from paying the subscription once at the beginning of the Gen and then dropping it.
When they were planning the cut for Gen 7, they realized they needed to conceptualize a way to blow this over since it essentially violated the terms on which Bank was founded. So they let it slide for the Alola games, scrapped SM's compatibility feature with GO, and decided they would make a separate service that fulfills the same purpose but under the terms that Pokemon won't always be guaranteed to be transferred out. To better facilitate this, they cut the GTS to give people a reason to download the app in the first place.
Anything else is just massive cope. Switch has native compatibility with Nintendo Network on 3DS, and Home already uses this to connect with Bank. Everything else was just window dressing and half-assed excuses to draw away from these facts.
>b-b-but they cut the GTS to circumvent NSO!!Then why not put it on the Switch version for free like Fortnite? Oh, right. Because Fortnite actually targets children while Pokemon is obsessed with scalping manchildren for all they're worth.