Quoted By:
>Online battles
>Team preview
>everybody looking so cool with their teams full of mega charizards, garchomps, talonflames, megawaifus, aegislashes, metagrosses and other super powerful monsters
>you are a no name looking strange with team of shitmonst that are neverused or at least not very popular and ugly.
>you puts hours in breeding pentaperfect versions of them. Giving them rare useful egg moves. Testing them online and making strategy. Kids at showdown laugh at you and call you faggot for using them, but you don't care because you slowly learning on your mistakes and finding better strategy for your favorite bros no matter what
>and one day
>your strategy...you finally found different ways to make it work. You have a box full of 100lvl rejects that has wrong egg moves or missing Ivs in needed stats. And a box of extremely perfect. God-like shitmons.
>Online battles
>Nobody expect your monsters. Nobody knows what attack they make. People switching out thinking that it will be this attack but they only make it worse giving you free turn.
>Nobody even remembers what the hell is this and what kind of weakness and ability it has. So they use attacks that have no effect or at least not very effective.
>You made it! You make your favorite but unpopular mons shine in online battles.
>Battle starts
>Mega Waifu Fainted
>The match has been forfeited
>Battle starts
>Garchomp Fainted
>The match has been forfeited
>Battle starts
>Greninja Fainted
>The match has been forfeited
>Battle starts
>Talonflame Fainted
>The match has been forfeited
>Battle starts
>Aegislash Fainted
>The match has been forfeited
And then you understand that the problem wasn't in your pokemon. They are perfectly fine. They can be strong. They can be usefull not matter what with some addition of strategy.
The problems was in trainers.
Because they are simply Whiny Faggots.