>>14947591"No, this means we've come too late. I was right, this isn't just a simple adaptation, it seems we've entered town months after this 'Jeromeo' and 'Cooliet' met each other, fell in love, and subsequently died. What those Ralts have just said means the families are fighting again, only after reconciling in respect of their lowly Montahue and well-respected Captulip."
"Oh....That's bad?"
"Yes, yes it is! If you were aware of the story I'm sure you'd see why. We have to bring them back together to keep the bittersweet ending alive, and I hope your method of blackmailing them succeeds. If not, then this adaptation will stay
unfaithful to source material."
"I still don't have any idea what this is all about."
"I'll read it to you someday, perhaps."
That admittedly sounds like something that could be fun.
>Objective: Re-unite the families!...with blackmail...!A) Start the wildfire at the Captulips.
B) Start the shit at the Montahues.