Kill team Galactic, behead team Galactic, roundhouse kick a team Galactic admin into the concrete.
Early Mars and Jupiter are always scary fights. I expected Monferno could solo Purugly, did not expect that to go as badly as it did. I expected Stuntank to be a menace, but my plan to double team cheese it was short when it landed a hit on my +4 evasiveness Staravia turn 1 anyway. Thank God that wasn't a crit. Had to sacrifice my stun spore setters in both fight (+ an extra against Purugly). I was actually kinda stoked about trying to champ a Beautifly this run after getting Dustox there last game, but sacrifices had to be made.
Never used a Stunky before, might not be very good but I want to try one out. Was bummed about aftermath at first, then I found out stench doesn't give flinch chance until gen 5 anyway, so I guess it would've been a useless ability either way. I'm also kinda tempted to use Cranidos because I love it, but I feel the team could use a strong special attacker more so I'm investing in Pest the Gastly.
(Gardenia wasn't even worth mentioning.)
>>57290348There's just always another emerald romhack I didn't know about. What does it add?
>>57286971You better not just use Katy as a sacrifice. Good luck with the run, love seeing Mr Mime.
>>57286691Seeing a charmander among the sinnoh guys is just weird. Good luck with the run!
>>57286460Probably not gonna champ Kriketune, no. Was thinking about bringing it to the team before I got Beautifly but after losing that I'm not really feeling bringing another early bug along for the ride. I did evolve it so it can be my Cut slave though.