don't have to worry too much about the game simply selling because of brand alone.
New Pokemon games generally sells less than the previous gen often, or half the time if you shift remake game's sales to their actual generations (as shown in the graph. Nothing as topped Gen 1. At first, Red and Blue was all that people had before the success blew up into a anime, movie, the card game, toys, music albums, books, comics, spin-off games, and more. It's why it sold the best. The biggest competition main games have had since are with the rest of the franchise.
Other merchandise has stepped in, and the games that fail on features and quality, or burn out those that have been playing drive this home. There are also those that don't find games to their taste to begin with. This is strongly evident from gen 2 - 4 failing to recapture the thunder that was gen 1, despite being nigh-unarguably better games than the gen preceding them. The decline with gen 5 only made this worse.
Now we're at gen 8. Sword and Shield is coming out of the dust of Detective Pikachu, the card game doing better than ever, and anime reboots/spin-offs. The franchise is better than every, but the games sure a fuck aren't. Let's go failed for what it was going for, and ROM hacks are shitting on GameFreak. Streamers are shit talking, muting and banning criticism and banter, and some Journos are clearly being paid off. The best Masuda can hope for this is to recoup some of the lost budget, maybe get an 'honorable' departure, and be forgotten by time as he let's out an autisticly ree in disgrace.