Quoted By:
>head over to a Mewtwo raid posted in local chat
>pull up to the parking area, raid has less than 2 minutes left
>see 4 people standing around, windy weather
>go to to find parking, but decide there won't be enough people and there's 3 other Mewtwos nearby anyway so I decide to leave
>chat admin: "why didn't you throw in, man?"
>explain that in the time I had gone to find parking the raid timer had already run out
>admin: "you just lost us 4 our raid passes, we could have totally 5-manned it"
>admin huffs about using his last pass
Wasn't about to risk wasting a raid pass in the off-chance read: almost guaranteed of the encounter having Focus Blast, and the notoriety of half my town's players using recommended mons (Lugias, Lugias everywhere). I weighed the probability of failure in my decision, perhaps next time you should do the same.