She's packing a fucking glock.
Also she's killing the scientist because they were doing tests to weaponize the Archetype and cause a global war or some shite and it's intended purpose was to save humanity or something, oh yeah, I forgot this was supposed to be a Pokemon game for a minute there, crazy. Also Nim nearly killed Melia here by extracting the Archetype from her, but didn't because Melia Sue's Mary Sue powers are just that strong and everyone loves her.
>>54879165How Keta managed to make an impression on the MC and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS IN THE CAST still fucking baffles me, but yeah Melia and Zeight having a connection seems to line up with the info we know from later.
>>54879185It's autistic as shit, but considering everything, it would make some sense in some retarded way.
>>54879189I've only done that interaction like once in older versions, I remember there supposedly being a new version of that scene but I never looked it up.