>>55348006>Sequel to Legends ArceusPlayer can jump, climb, swim, tank fall damage better than he could in OGPLA, but not so much that you have no use for the Ride Mons. Maybe give him a stamina bar and an annoyingly slow climb/swim speed that can't be upgraded, just so you don't have to pull out the ride mon just to cross 3ft of water or climb over a waist-high ledge. Lean more into the open world survival crafting formula.
>Sequel to SVI don't want Pokemon to go back to Hallways & Cutscenes: The Game, but at least try to have a somewhat more structured campaign. Have multi-boosts/multi-buffs happen simultaneously and the flavor text all appears in the same text box. ex: "Slowpoke's speed lowered. Slowpoke's attack and defense rose!" Make a place to easily view & manipulate EV/IVs. Drop that "collect Machop Sweat, Riolu Fur, and Kangaskhan pubes, and also 1,000 LP to craft a TM that also breaks from one use" garbage. Either get rid of items like the sharp beak, mystic water, etc or give them enough of a buff that they can actually have a niche in battle. Only one form of currency, and that includes removing BP. Item Printer or Cram-O-Matic returns just so you can turn those 999x everstones and softsands you picked up over the course of the game into something potentially more useful. Marked pokemon have a flavor text when encountering them. ex: "Oh, a hungry-looking Mankey appeared!"
>MiscJust make a pure battle simulator that follows its own set of rules. Don't care if it's a live service app for mobile or a $60 Switch game, but just make Pokemon the VGC a separate experience from Pokemon the RPG already.