>>55410594>-Why did so many children across different backgrounds, walks of life, parts of the world, etc. have dreams about Pokemon before playing or watching it?Never happened.
>-Why were there unexplained sightings of Pokemon throughout the 1990s / 2000s (was the gateway closed with 9/11)?Never happened.
>-Why in the 1990s were kids reporting phenomena in game such as secret areas / cities, Pokemon that weren't part of the original 150 (the so-called "Pokegods"), and other strange phenomenon now uniformly denied as a kind of mass hysteria?People love to make shit up, just look at your post.
>-Why do players report better luck when they believe in themselves, their Pokemon, etc.? Do our Pokemon know we're there?Because believing in things leads to delusions.
>Today, Pokemon (or at least our connection to it) is quite dead. The goy are offered soulless, commercial slop mass produced at industrial scale by a corporation gone mad, same as the "source code" passed off on the masses.Drampa has more soul than all the 151 original Pokemon combined.
Verdict: take your pills.
Especially the Drampa pill.