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My Pokemon Go story
>live in a medium large city
>go outside for the first time in fucking ages
>hot as fuck, nearly 90 degrees outside
>app takes hell of a time to load
>it finally works
>surrounded by rattatas
>catch one
>catch another 5
>take a walk to the city
>sweating and smelling like some animal
>more and more people around me
>oh shit, it's a city laid
>music, normies and more heat everywhere
>people look at me while i'm autistically wiping on my phone
>literally only rattatas and pidgeys
>phone heats up more and more
>battery is nearly done
>"oh hey anon, ANON over here!"
>it's my 10/10 colleague from university
>"what are you looking at"
>random chatting while i'm smelling worse and worse
>it's over finally
>battery is kill
>walk into random store and buy powerbank
>cashier looks at me like an ayylmao
>make my way home
>a bee flies into my eye
>wanna kill myself
>catch another rattata
>to the prof it goes