>>47579853Full confession, I haven't played RS in a while and I've never played ORAS so I'm just skimming Bulbapedia for plot info. I don't think the orb thing being "wrong" takes much overanalyzing. Groudon is Red, Kyogre is Blue. Switching the two is fairly arbitrary, especially considering Groudon has blue lines and Kyogre has red lines.
It's possible you're right. Perhaps it isn't fair of me to dismiss your thoughts as overanalysis though I think your connections are far more tenuous than the Silver/Giovanni thing. My understanding of eastern religions isn't great but sure, maybe you're onto something. It would certainly help if it were corroborated by other people, seeing that the Silver/Giovanni thing was a widely known theory and this is the first I've heard of the Galactic Commander's movesets tying in with their ranking or thematically representing incomplete religious dogmas or being related to the lake trio beyond being bosses at each lake. It'd certainly help if they had more personality, like if Mars were especially emotional or something. Perhaps there was a seed planted and the remakes will vindicate your theories but I don't know if that necessarily makes them more valid one way or the other. Isn't it equally likely that ORAS could've kept the orbs the same and whatever random anon who thought they were switched would be wrong?
Anyways, it doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to you whether these things were intentional or canon or will eventually become canon. If you want to reflect these ideas and flesh them out more in your romhack then please, do so. And I like your theory about Saturn being demoted, if somehow the remakes explicitly point this out I'll buy you a coke.