>>32932973shes psycho, like a black movie with a psycho black lover hating on you for liking a light skin girl and not a nigger nigger psycho, plus my grandpa gave me almost a million dollars in my inheritance, and live in a free owned non debt home with my mom, I even avoid some friends and cut others from my life, I am cucking the world around me so my life dosen't get cucked, if you need to know unhappy desu. Plus I am in the United States, alot of fun things to buy. I like being alone now that I think about it, I remember would be at some 18 year old non alcoholic dance club, and my only thought was I want to go home and finish watching cowboy bebop, eat noodles, finish my homework on my comp, and browse the web, and of course get more bitches on Myspace, those were the times.