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I had level 100s in Pokemon Red, but I exploited the missingno glitch to get unlimited rare candies. My first true level 100 was my Charizard in Leaf Green (it was around my third playthrough). I loved that Charizard so I didn't restart my save file for a while. However I decided that I would start a new file so I migrated it to my cousin's Diamond, since I did not have a gen 4 game at that time.
Years later, I was training my Heart Gold team around my cousin's house and he challenged me to a battle. He had an Action Replay card, so I was facing a team of hacked level 100 shiny legendaries using my team of level 80-90 Pokemon. I managed to hold my ground for 5 of his Pokemon somehow, but then he sent my own Charizard out against me and it finished me. I had completely forgotten about him, I'd even lost my original Leaf Green cartridge, but I believe that even too this day that Charizard is still on his Diamond cart. I've never got round to asking him for it back.
On a slightly related note, I recently solo'd Fire Red with pic related. Even though Charizard isn't my all-time favourite Pokemon, PEBBLES is probably my favourite Pokemon that I've ever raised. This guy is definitely making his way into my X/Y game.