Previous thread: prolly dead now
Well, we're here.
I'll dispense with the usual rules blurb, because we're so far in. Instead, I'll just explain to any newcomers. This is a monotype kalos mons only 3v3(out of a team of 6) flat rules tournament.
Everyone's come a long way, haven't we? It has been exactly 2 weeks, 2 hours, and 20 minutes since we came together and began this, and now we're at the beginning of the end.
Finals will go down as such. There are going to be three swiss rounds. They will last 3 days each. The top 8 players move forward from there to double elimination brackets until only one remains. Due to the nature of the elimination bracket, there are no time constraints. As soon as you know who you're paired against, you'll be able to play against them.
There are going to be 8 winner positions. Seeing as how this is a monotype metagame, and the long-term league meta after this will likely also be monotype, we'll have 8 positions.
3 gym leader positions.
4 elite gym positions.
1 champion gym position.
This also lets us have an even number of participants for the elimination bracket, which is desirable. The other details on the upcoming meta will be discussed as time goes on. But I am digressing.
Let's fight with spirit, pride, honor, and the meanest, cruelest tricks you can inflict on one another. And then share it on video for all to see.
/VP/ monotype league finals have officially begun!