They tried to create a faithful remake of Yellow, and they put a lot of effort into it. Talking to Pikachu will bring up his current mood, and he even has reactions to Jigglypuff and Bill's teleporter scene.
But there are some glaring issues:
For some reason, Pikachu bugs out and will sometimes just do his own thing.
Aside from event trainers like the Rocket Grunt on Nugget Bridge, trainers will not be alerted when they see you. It's up to you to talk to them to initiate the battle.
The revamped Yellow sprites are a nice touch, but some examples like Meowth and Jolteon look a bit... strange.
YOU CANNOT JUMP FROM LEDGES! I feel like this was known because there's a ledge missing from Cerulean between the Pokemon Center and Gym, and you can get into Cerulean itself by walking around some trees to avoid the ledges.
It's a neat novelty, but I don't think it's worth it for another trip through Kanto.