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ITT: Things your parents did to piss you off while playing pokemon as a kid.
I'll start
>I'm like 7ish
>I just beat Lorelei and it's like 8pm on a school night
>mom wants me to take a shower
>Tried as hard as I could to explain to her the importance of the E4 but couldn't because I was fucking 7
>Finally talk her down to letting me leave it on while I shower.
>Run out of the shower every few seconds to fight Bruno while showering.
>Beat Bruno
>Mom hears me cheering and tells me finish my shower and takes away the Gameboy
>Jesus fuck I was mad, I thought she turned it off.
>Get out and she gives it back to me.
>I beat the E4 in a towel.
Prob the most anger I ever got at my parents over pokemon. How about you /vp/?