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This is my argument;
Game Freak ALWAYS releases a version of a game in every generation with updated movesets, abilities, formes, legendaries etc.
If you're a profesional player or a fan of competitive battling, go ahead you shouldn't listen to me at all, but the rest of the pokemon fans? It's nothing but a waste of money.
>But anon they don't always do this!
Fair enough, they only started with Gen 4;
D/P > Pt > HG/SS, B/W > B2/W2, X/Y > AS/OR, S/M > US/UM
>But anon, the newr games can play with the previous ones everytime!
Even if you didn't care about the new movesets or formes during Gen 4 & 5, atleast we got cool features like memory link and asically needed pearl version to catch glameow, also one could argue that game freak couldn't just update the games to see the new formes.
But what about X/Y and S/M? What was Gamefreak's excuse to not let us play with the other half of the new Megas/UBs? hell, even if they were not catchable atleast they could update the games to be ablte to fight against them, not even that. Game Freak doesn't Gives a fuck.
This is the only reason I have to skip Sw/Sh and wait for either a 3rd version or a Sinnoh Remake, I don't want to spend 60 bucks on a game that will not let me play with all the new pokemon in a couple of years. Game Freak literally stopped caring after Gen 5.
What will you do with your money, anon?