What is Pokenchi? Read this info guide:
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?646717-Pok%E9nchi-(Gathering-in-the-Pokemon-House-)-Discussion-Thread THEME SONG:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Eh4djMATM Today's guests: Actor Yutaka Kobayashi, TV personality and Oha Suta host Sakura "Inosaku" Inoue and actress Uchu Imagawa
Stream at:
https://ok.ru/video/560122306232 Alternate stream at:
https://fujitv.live/fujitv Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIaGFzM3_BU>Today's episode of Pokénchi is fully Eievui-themed! Eievui visits Pokénchi and everyone attempts games based around Eievui's Z-Move together!! We'll also have a multi-battle featuring nothing both the Eievui Family.>Summary:>Abareru-kun wants to become better friends with the Eievui that brought him his glove. In other to get the Eievui to come back to Pokénchi for another visit, he decides to invite three Pokénds that really love Eievui and have them all work together to entice the Eievui to come. And then... their wish gets granted when the Eievui arrives?! They all try playing games together in order to befriend the Eievui further! Will the Eievui end up having fun?!