>>48041016You're gay but don't act like it
>>48041047You're anxious and like security but can come off confident. You like hoodies and night time.
>>48041069You're judgemental and flamboyant, say whatever's on your mind a lot
>>48041089You're into things others would consider taboo, you keep good routines but don't have strong attachments to to many things and are able to change your enviroment
>>48041121You don't really like challenge runs. You're very attached to your past. You're reserved but emotional.
>>48041209You try and read people a lot. You over analyze situations. You don't look interesting on the outside but you've got a lot of interests and niches.
>>48041270You're laid back but annoyed easily. You try move on and do something else than dwell on something.
>>48041337You connect with femininity and consider yourself sensitive. You fantasize about a soul mate a lot.
>>48041887You're indecisive and tend to drift through things aimlessly. You're in college and like to go for walks.