>>34214772>be me playing r/b with bro>"anon reset your game and trade me your starter so i can finish my dex">... ok.bmp cause windows '95 paint and i'm a bro>reset get poke>bro trades me lv 21 clefable>"it has thunderbolt, anon. it's good">w/e will prob reset later>bro off training new mon>fuck it solo clefable time>nigga dropping t-bolts left right>lolcauseoverleveled>progress quickly>have asperger like 11-yo mind already know everything need to do>get on par, clefable STILL boxing mfs>bro mon never leaves slot 1>mfw clefable with t-bolt carries me>mfw irl bro starts to lose interest in the series>mfw that was the last time we ever played pokemon>mfw i will never have another brofriend like that againdon't grow up and move away, anons.