>>39748660/vp/ /SS/ hype season is basically is that of salty crackers, very little info on the games, so when something is revealed, everyone already said everything they can about it.
That and /SS/ seems to be a black hole of hype compared to every Pokemon game that came out, even LGPE had slightly more hype then it. were getting drip fed with a game that already so many on this board see as bad, no one here's gonna get invested in it.
It will still sell just buy having the name "Pokemon"
But a lot of /vp/ is done with it, I already know people here stopped watching trailers because the lack of real interest, GF shouldn't have said anything about the dex cut until they had something shown to make up for it to keep hype, knowing this so early, and with little info is going convince people you nothing to offer.
Which is probably the case because GF like to take away more then they can give.