>>383074403/6, but +1 for using the best Pokemon protag, Wes
>>383074592/6, innocent though
>>383075384/6, nice pretty aesthetic
>>383075733/6, bretty gud
>>383076384/6 fuck yeah Blastoise
>>383090814/6, Torterra is awesome, Farfeth'd is cool shiny Scizor to match the colour scheme is a nice touch
>>383090903/6 not bad
>>383101962/6 eh
>>383102204/6 cool mons
>>383103290/6 shadow the edgelord, jesus. Fedora m'lady tilt -1, Lucario furbait -1, Greninja -1, Genie -1, Tapu legendary -1, the strongest goddamn legendary who would never be on a team Ultra-Nec -1