>>38288386Well, it's not like I have anything better to do.
When it comes to socializing with other people I'm a very mixed guy. If you throw me into a group with a bunch of strangers I can probably get along with them very well. I can easily initiate conversations and keep them going but very often I just don't feel like hanging out with others since I enjoy spending time alone. I've always personally felt more like an ISTP but the tests give me ESTP because I don't have any problems with social interactions. My friends know me as the type of guy who jokes about everything and is fairly loud, whenever I feel like seeing them that is.
I've always been very adamant about doing things that I personally enjoy doing and not listening to others or giving into peer pressure. When I was younger I was constantly surrounded by people who smoked yet I've never smoked even a single cigarette in my life. I've never felt like I need to fit into a group or follow others or do something for the approval of my friends or family members or anyone else, which occasionally makes other people see me as very stubborn or close-minded. If I want to do something I'll do it and if I don't want to do something I won't do it even if I have 10 friends asking me to. You cannot change my mind.
On the other hand I'm also very laid back and relaxed when it comes to feelings. I cannot think of anything that would genuinely offend me or make me mad and I can't even remember when was the last time that I was angry. I'm also very rarely sad and none of the more difficult experiences in my life (being bullied for many years in school, breakup, my father's death etc.) have left any types of mental scars in me. I can get over these types of things very quickly and continue my life as if nothing had happened, and that's not because I'm some edgemaster who doesn't have feelings, it's just that I want to focus on living my life instead of dwelling in depression or something like that.