>>57229978Oh shit, right, fug, I totally forgot to follow up on that one, sorry.
>Isn't that just a standard for people from Laverre CitySurprisingly, no. Valerie is an expat from Johto, and the Fairy Tale Girls... well, they're not really standard themselves by any metric. The extremely constricted/hidden pupils and huge irises seem to be a rare trait even among Fairy-Type enthusiasts, as none of Valerie's furisode girls have these eyes, and this aspect was only ever followed up with by Opal a few generations later. Opal's sclera isn't nearly as obscured, which suggests she's a little more grounded in reality than her younger counterparts (to her credit, she is a lot more level-headed than she lets on).
The implication of the weird eyes seems to be that Valerie and the Fairy Tale Girls aren't seeing the same world as the rest of us, their eyes are looking into some otherworld instead. Interestingly, we see another example of this with the XY Hex Maniacs, who also have large swirly irises and no visible pupils in her character art. Oddly enough though, both the Fairy Tale Girls and Hex Maniacs have pupils in their overworld models. More than likely, these were just alterations made midway through development, but it might also imply that the Otherworld Vision is something that can be switched on before a battle and that, as a Gym Leader, Valerie's just always ready to fight.