>>51518986Been here since day one. I seem to have pokemon autism, idk why I come back here so much.
There have been some reeeeeeal fags on here over the years. Early on there was a lot of fanfic writers. And those old role play generals. Can't say I miss much of it. This whole board is and always has been genwars and waifu shit. The trading card collectors have a much more stable presence here than they used to with their two generals, and that's nice. Was always weird not having a place to talk about the cards. That's my favorite thing about nu/vp/.
I liked the gen 5 hype and I still think snivy is called smugleaf. Gen 7 wasn't particularly hype, but it was comfy. Gen 9 so far has been super barebones but I think it's gonna get a little crazy right before launch and then we'll all have a lot to talk about. Hopefully there's cool secrets or funny glitches.
A word from the wise, please stop with the gen-wars. It's a waste of your passion.