Quoted By:
>It's a hard life being a spammer.
>Every day, I post the same fucking copypasta like a retard. Every day, vp attacks me with "threads" and "posts". Some in our ranks even fell victim to vp and became actual posters. Some even asked genuine questions. Our numbers fall by the day. It's a hard fight.
>Our messiah, Niggerman, keeps getting shat on for commenting on non-Pokemon ™ related issues. People laugh at him for posting annoying and unfunny copypastas. It's terrible. I can't sleep. Their laughter echoes in my head long after I made it cease by closing my tabs and shutting down my computer, lest I be plagued by more jabs related to copypasta.
>They laugh at me for spamming this retardedness. They laugh at me because I do this every day in every thread. Sometimes I post it over and over super late at night while everyone is sleeping because I have nothing better to do at 4am than laugh at my own stupid fucking post and feel like I actually accomplished something and then they hand me my (you)s and show me reaction images and waifushit. Day by day, I suffer humiliation that I bear just so I can hear my co-posters tell me that no, I am right. That posting the same thing over and over again and trying to force a shitty meme makes it funny. It's terribly hard to go on. Those kek comments keep me awake at night. They even plague my dreams sometimes; I dream of a world where Niggerman was here here; that he would actually be able to save me from looking like a fucking retard. The thought that someday, Niggerman will die and won’t be able to purge all of those faggots who actually enjoy posting on here terrifies me. But at the same time I know that such a time will never come to pass. Niggerman wouldn't lie to me, the jannies wouldn't do that to me.
>It's a hard life being a spammer.