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'bout mid-game (something around were Sabrina was)
All pokemon in the gym have unusually high stats, because they all hold Macho Braces.
(an epidemic of Pokerus also has passed through the town recently, as told by NPC's)
No two trainers have the same pokemon: each trainer in the gym has their own normal team.
(ex. if one trainer has a ditto then no other trainer will have a ditto. Each trainer is as difficult as their team is [the guy with a ditto is not as hard as the guy with a Granbull, for example])
Has two Vigoroths with Macho Braces, same level, different moves
(lowest level team members)
Blissey holding a Macho Brace
Main is an unusually strong Smeargle (think EV trained) with 4 elemental moves, probably all 4 punches, holding a Macho Brace.
Winning will get the player the Training Badge, a Macho Brace, and TM01 (cut will be a mid-game item, and the player will need to backtrack some.)
>inb4 autism